Our coaching is transformative. Backed by neuroscience, we always seek to push the boundaries of what’s possible for our clients, supporting them as they expand their comfort zone, realise their potential and increase their impact on a global scale.

What We Do
Our mission is to accelerate the performance, transformation and development of today’s leaders, teams and organisations in an increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world.
Sustainable change rests on the strength of an organisation’s teams. We use frameworks developed by Harvard University, and leading psychologists to accelerate your team’s performance, improve learning agility and help them go from high burnout to a high flow.

Equip yourself with tools to lead in every walk of life – at work, home and in society. We use world-class leadership tools and practices and partner with you to facilitate transformation, enhance performance and boost effectiveness. Consistently step into your optimal flow state, perform at peak levels and reach your desired outcome.

Transform your organisation’s culture so that high performance is the foundation of everything you do. We partner with change-oriented leaders in building relationship-based, high-performance, values-driven cultures that align with your organisational strategy to drive results.

Our founder, Stephen, and the Live Unbound team work with the world's foremost thinkers in performance, leadership team effectiveness, transformation & change, resilience, integrated development, agility and much more.
Some of these include:
- Ruth Wageman and Krister Lowe at 6 Team Conditions
- Mark Divine at Unbeatable Mind
- Peter Hawkins at Henley University
- Robert Kaiser at the Leadership Versatility Index
- Steven Kotler at the Flow Research Collective
What Is Executive Flow and Team Flow?
Flow is an optimal state of consciousness where we feel, lead and perform our best.
Executives and teams can harness the power of flow to reach peak performance. Team flow is specifically correlated with increased engagement, motivation, team performance, positive and connected work experiences and well-being.
By tapping into flow, you can achieve more in less time with greater satisfaction and happiness. Our coaching will accelerate you into this peak performance zone individually and as part of a team. Expect more creativity, better decision-making, increased productivity, greater satisfaction, motivation, happiness and much more.

Understanding the Principles Behind Executive Flow and Team Flow
Individual Flow Triggers
We take a holistic approach by diving into the five domains of balance - physical, mental, emotional, intuition and spiritual. When you invest in your personal development, expect to show up powerfully in all areas of your life.
Our leadership coaching aims to give people the tools to realise their potential as a leader in every walk of life – at work, at home and in society. Each leadership journey is tailored for the bespoke needs of the client and their desired outcomes.

Praesent ac sem eget est egestas volutpat. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Vivamus quis mi. Sed lectus. Vestibulum rutrum, mi nec elementum vehicula, eros quam gravida nisl, id fringilla neque ante vel mi.

Maecenas ullamcorper, dui et placerat feugiat, eros pede varius nisi, condimentum viverra felis nunc et lorem. Curabitur nisi. Pellentesque posuere. Quisque ut nisi. Suspendisse eu ligula.

Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Praesent turpis. Duis lobortis massa imperdiet quam. Sed hendrerit.

You have strong intrinsic motivators. You are not primarily guided by extrinsic motivators such as fame, money, power, etc. The activity is an end unto itself and it is it’s own reward. You feel as though your journey matters and that you are contributing to something much bigger than yourself.

You have complete autonomy over where you’re going and you alone dictate when and how you steer your ship towards your destination.

Your attention must be laser-focused on the task at hand. In this state, any irrelevant stimuli disappear from your consciousness. Worries and concerns are temporarily suspended enabling you to do your best work in the most enjoyable way.

There is a high consequence involved in the task at hand. The type of risk does not matter so long as it exists. It may be physical, social, emotional creative or financial. When there is more at risk we do our best!

Our brains are wired to pay extra attention to anything that it hasn’t encountered before. It can be a stunning landscape.

The complexity of the activity should not drive your system into overwhelm. Yet, it should not be so simple that your brain decides that it’s not worth paying extra attention to. You must be clear on how you are to navigate the complex terrain.

This is attributed to anything that drives salience in our brains. It’s saying, “Hey! Pay attention, I don’t know what’s happening! It might be important”.

Here, your action and awareness merge. This has often been linked to a feeling of oneness with your surroundings. A painter may feel as though the paint brush is her arm. A race car driver may not be able to differentiate his body from that of the car. A surfer may feel as though she is one with the ocean.

You receive immediate feedback from self and/or others. This enables you to course correct in real time, allowing you to push your boundaries and limitations beyond your ordinary perceptions.

You have a clear understanding of what is required for a successful outcome and are working towards it. You know the end state goal you are working towards and the process/ journey tasks that relate to the goal.

The activity you undertake should be challenging yet slightly within your perceived abilities. The imminent anxiety for the activity should not paralyse your system.

When your brain links old information to a new one and arrives at an original idea, it sets off a cascade of pleasurable neurochemicals. This is the creative flow state. If you have a great idea, start on it immediately. The neurochemicals are in your favour!

Team Flow Triggers
We take a holistic approach by diving into the five domains of balance - physical, mental, emotional, intuition and spiritual. When you invest in your personal development, expect to show up powerfully in all areas of your life.
Our leadership coaching aims to give people the tools to realise their potential as a leader in every walk of life – at work, at home and in society. Each leadership journey is tailored for the bespoke needs of the client and their desired outcomes.

Praesent ac sem eget est egestas volutpat. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Vivamus quis mi. Sed lectus. Vestibulum rutrum, mi nec elementum vehicula, eros quam gravida nisl, id fringilla neque ante vel mi.

Maecenas ullamcorper, dui et placerat feugiat, eros pede varius nisi, condimentum viverra felis nunc et lorem. Curabitur nisi. Pellentesque posuere. Quisque ut nisi. Suspendisse eu ligula.

Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Praesent turpis. Duis lobortis massa imperdiet quam. Sed hendrerit.

Flow requires full attention to the task at hand. Deep focus emerges from designing ‘high flow contexts’ which remove the possibility of distractions. Complete concentration is characterised by full attention to one individual goal, keeping others on task, and aligning with the team’s shared goal.

Each member must be connected towards a common or shared goal. The common goal must be clear, meaningful to all team members, and compatible with each member’s goals. More so, the shared goal must be designed to challenge and stretch each individual's skill level equally.

Team flow emerges when people follow the first rule of improvisational acting: “Yes, and…” Each member must listen closely to what’s being said and then build upon it, even if you disagree. This allows each member of the teams ego’s to blend into a group flow state.

The Collective ambition instils the team with joy and creates a sense of intrinsic motivation to operate as a team. The team's reason for being includes members' values and beliefs about how they ought to accomplish their goals, particularly how they celebrate each other's complementary skills.

Team flow emerges when team members pay complete attention to what is being said. Flow only appears when we are in the present moment. Team flow is blocked when participants already have a preconceived idea of how to get to the goal. It’s essential not to “write the script in your head” but rather allow it to unfold.

The ‘golden-rule of flow’ is engaging in tasks in which there is a balance between high challenges and high skills. The need for high skills is common among group work as teams are typically formed in order to complete challenging goals that cannot be completed on their own. Key to this prerequisite is ensuring that each member of the team is able to bring their greatest skills and strengths to the task so that the optimal balance is struck for each team member.

An environment in which people can face challenging situations and be unafraid of failure fosters engagement. Teams must be willing to experience failure together and agree to continue to work together. In a psychologically safe team, failure is embraced and celebrated - even seen as a good thing as it provides an opportunity for learning and growth.

To find team flow, team members need to know each other's values and playing styles. When teammates know each other's interests, personalities and goals, they know how to communicate best and provide the appropriate feedback to keep them engaged in the task.

All participants must play an equal role in fulfilling the team's collective ambition and shared goal. This requires all team members to have an equal skill level. If the team does not have compatible skill levels, advanced members may become bored and disengaged, while less developed members may become anxious and frustrated.

Team members must release their self-conscious and analytical minds, and receive unambiguous feedback about their progress so that teammates know whether their actions effectively contribute to achieving the goal or if they need to adjust their course. Open communication can strengthen relationships which is conducive to creating the team flow.

Understanding the Principles Behind Executive Flow and Team Flow
Individual Flow Triggers

Team Flow Triggers

“From a quality-of-life perspective, psychologists have found that the people who have the most flow in their lives are the happiest people on earth.”